Donations & Tributes

As part of our service to you, we provide a free online tribute page for your loved one. This dedicated page displays the funeral arrangements and manages Gift Aided donations to charities you may wish to support in memory of your loved one.

This simple-to-use tribute page is yours to keep for as long as you wish and can be built into a lasting online memorial to your loved one.

Family and friends can share memories and stories, and upload their favourite pictures, videos and music, in celebration of their life. Each page has its own unique QR code, which can be added to the Order of Service; providing a quick and easy link to the page.

All donations and any Gift Aid are automatically processed and sent to your chosen charities, less the small processing fee of our partner, MuchLoved, the online tribute charity.

MuchLoved is a charitable trust supporting bereaved families and charges fees on a not-for-profit basis.

To run, administer and maintain the tribute page platform, a fee of 3.2% is deducted by MuchLoved from the gross donation, in addition to the payment processing fee of 1.9%+20p which covers all third-party payment provider charges.

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